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Pokemon Red is based soley in the Kanto region, with no moving sprites.

Pokemon Crystal is based in Johto with the option after beating the Elite 4 to take on the Kanto gyms, the game contains moving sprites and has better graphics that Pokemon Red. There is alot more difference than that.

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Can you trade from crystal to red in Pokemon?

Yes but don't trade pokemon only from crystal to red for example don't trade a lugia in red or else ur game will get messed up but u can trade any other pokemon that were in red from ur crystal

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You cannot get Cyndaquil in Pokemon Red. It is only on Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.

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You can't find Charizard in Pokemon Crystal. You have to trade it from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow.

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Because he is your character in the game Pokemon red and in that game your character does not speak.

Who can you link with on Pokemon Gold?

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Can you trade with other Game Boy with the game Pokemon Red?

Yes, Pokemon Red can trade with Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crystal.

Where is the red gyrados in Pokemon Crystal?

You find it at the Lake of Rage. You need a Pokemon that knows Surf to get to it.