It is not available in Pokemon Crystal. You will need to trade for it from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow.
You can only catch Zapdos in Crystal by cheating. otherwise it is not in the game
No, you are unable to get a Zapdos in Pokemon Crystal. The only possible ways are if you cheat with game shark codes or if you trade it from Pokemon red, blue, green or yellow
Go to Canalave City go in to the motel and take a rest and hold in LR and it will be Zapdos.AnswerUnfortunately, as in Pokemon Crystal the Power Plant has been re-founded, Zapdos can no longer be caught in Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal. Thus Zapdos can only be obtained in these versions if you trade for it through the Time Capsule.
Unfortunately, they have to be traded form Red, Blue, or Yellow (or, perhaps, Green).
to catch zapdos in pokemon black you have to have every legendary pokemon
You can only catch Zapdos in Crystal by cheating. otherwise it is not in the game
No, you are unable to get a Zapdos in Pokemon Crystal. The only possible ways are if you cheat with game shark codes or if you trade it from Pokemon red, blue, green or yellow
Go to Canalave City go in to the motel and take a rest and hold in LR and it will be Zapdos.AnswerUnfortunately, as in Pokemon Crystal the Power Plant has been re-founded, Zapdos can no longer be caught in Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal. Thus Zapdos can only be obtained in these versions if you trade for it through the Time Capsule.
Ho-oh,Lugia,Molltres,Articuno and Zapdos
Unfortunately, they have to be traded form Red, Blue, or Yellow (or, perhaps, Green).
to catch zapdos in pokemon black you have to have every legendary pokemon
You can't get Zapdos on Pokemon Pearl or Diamond but you can migrate it from Pokemon LeafGreen or Pokemon FireRed.
Yes Zapdos is a lengendary on Pokemon indigo and all other Pokemon games
No, you cannot, nor can you in Silver or Crystal. Mewtwo is not found in any of them, nor are Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres.
Zapdos is supposed to be rare! It's a legendary pokemon! One of a kind!
you can find zapdos in ecrutak city
you can find zapdos in the power plant.