After defeating Misty in Blackthorn City, head back to New Bark Town and use your HM03 Surf to swim across (going east) to the Pokemon League.
I will warn you now, this part of the game will not be easy.
go to the end of cerulen cape then talk to Misty. go back to cerulan city and she will be at the gym.
go up to cerulan cape talk to her and i think she should be in the gym
To get to the cerulean cape you go north on the bridge and head east. You'll have to battle 5-7 trainers on the way. When you get to the end you'll met misty and some other guy, misty will then go back to the gym. After the gym if you have chased suicune enough it will be where you met misty. =)
first you have to go the power plant and talk to the manager then exit the powerplant and go to the gym there you have to find the missing part take it back to the powerplant then go to Cerulean Point there you will interrupt misty and her date and she will go back to the gym
It's just like the old silver version you go up on the bridge and find a guy that is standing next to misty and after you either talk to him or walk a certain distance near him,misty will walk away and she will reappear at the gym.
go to the end of cerulen cape then talk to Misty. go back to cerulan city and she will be at the gym.
go to the third gym (lt.surge)
you go to cerulean city and beat misty.
To get to Misty you have to go to the Power Plant and fix the thing up there. Then you go to Bill's grandga's house and if you go past his house you will find Misty and her boyfriend. And as for Erika she is already there.
Once you beat the Pokemon League at the Indego Platue, you will be able to go to Kanto and see Misty.
you go to the place where misty is supposed to be then you go the far end at the bottom where misty is supposed to be then you go to the tubes and then you click and there you go you got the generator
im not sure but if someone does no please help me
You go to Blackthorn City by taking the Ice Path I think.
you have to go get the pokeflute to get through vermillion city then head up
go up to cerulan cape talk to her and i think she should be in the gym
you go to the city were misty is the gym leader and you go over to bills house and go on the platform and suicune should be there.
you can catch moltres in soulsilver or heartgold by defeating red, then go deep to the mountain silver, go to left, use surf, then go on, until you find that bird