go to the end of cerulen cape then talk to Misty. go back to cerulan city and she will be at the gym.
Because Misty is not at her gym, you have to find her up at Route 25.
Nobody knows actually.
top left tube
she is never in the gym she is usually in the kitchen tho.
It's just like the old silver version you go up on the bridge and find a guy that is standing next to misty and after you either talk to him or walk a certain distance near him,misty will walk away and she will reappear at the gym.
you find her in the cerulian city gym
At Cerulean Cape.
Once you beat the Pokemon League at the Indego Platue, you will be able to go to Kanto and see Misty.
Shes in Cerulean city.
hes in a house were you find misty the gym leader for the first time.
Because Misty is not at her gym, you have to find her up at Route 25.
Misty is to the north of Cerulean, at the end of route 25.
he is in his gym like a normal gym leader. he is not like misty or clair.
im not sure but if someone does no please help me
Cerulean, gotta run up route 25 to find her first though.
Golduck, Quagsire, Lapras, and Starmie.
Nobody knows actually.