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go to canalave city and go to the Pokemon mart and talk to the other guy, if not there, try another town

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Q: Where to get ultra balls in Pokemon diamond?
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How do you catch a rare Pokemon in diamond version?

use ultra balls

How do you get heatran without using a master ball in Pokemon diamond?

use ultra balls

How do you get all the legendary Pokemon on diamond without using master balls?

Use alot of Ultra balls and status moves

Could you give me Tips on catching Pokemon easier on Pokemon Diamond?

MY SUGGESTION IS TO USE A HEAL BALL, THEIR LIKE ULTRA BALLS AND THEY HEAL YOUR POKEMON ALL THE WAY AFTER YOU CATCH EM Correction, heal balls do not have the same catch rate as ultra balls and it is not neccicary to use them when your party is full for your pokemon will just heal when transferring to the pc in tne pokemon center...

What is the best way to catch Cresselia in Pokemon Diamond?

buy 5 ultra balls 5 timer balls and 5 dusk balls. cresselia is at the top the mountian. GOOD LUCK!

Where can you buy ultra balls Pokemon silver?

Usually ultra balls are sold in the later cities try blackthorn city or the Pokemon league.

What level is heatran in Pokemon diamond?

Level 70.I recommend using ultra balls to catch heatran.If you want to catch giratina you have to use your master ball or dusk balls.

Where do you get ultra balls on Pokemon FireRed?

In a shop

How do you catch Pokemon easier in Pokemon Diamond?

I would get a Pokemon with the move false swipe (e.g. Gallade,Sceptile etc) and also carry a lot of Ultra balls with you to increase your chances of catching Pokemon.

How do you turn ultra balls into master balls in Pokemon diomand?

You Can't

How do you catch the Pokemon giriatina in Pokemon Diamond?

You should take 20-30 dusk balls and 20 ultra balls. You are not guaranteed to catch it. It is better to put it to sleep. I would use a master ball if I were you. Hope I helped you.

Where do you buy ultra balls on Pokemon fire red?

Buy ultra balls in Fuchsia city or Indigo Plateau.