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There is no TM for it. You have to catch a golbat that knows it. I can see your looking for Mesprit or Cressila. Train the golbat to 100 speed or your mean look will perform after it flees lol. ~Wariolink~ Pokemaster

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Q: Where to get the TM mean look in Pokemon diamond?
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What is the technical number for mean look in Pokemon Diamond?

There is no Mean Look TM in diamond

What TM contains mean look in Pokemon diamond?

There is no TM that contains Mean Look inpokemon diamond. You need a Golbat if you want mean look

What Pokemon has the TM mean look in diamond?


Can you get the TM block or mean look on Pokemon diamond?

The moves Block and Mean Look do not exist as TMs on Pokemon Diamond. Block and Mean Look have yet to become a TM in any of the Pokemon games so far if ever.

Is there a TM mean look in Pokemon diamond?

yes why yes there is

Where to get mean look on Pokemon Diamond?

you teach a Pokemon that move or use a TM

In Pokemon Diamond how do you get the TM meanlook?

mean look is not a TM the only way your Pokemon could have it is that it could learn it.

Where can you get the TM mean look in Pokemon Diamond?

Dude there is no TM mean look. trust me i used the AR and i have 95+^ TMs and there is no mean look. Some Pokemon like golbat and haunter have it, so try that

How do you get the TM mean look on Pokemon Pearl?

There is no TM mean look on Pokemon pearl.

Were can you get the TM mean look on Pokemon diamond?

on the ground somewhere or i think in the mall that's in that one city.

Where is TM Mean Look in Pokemon pearl?

Mean look is not a TM. It can only be learned by breeding or leveling.

Where is the TM Mean Look in Pokemon Crystal?

Mean look is a move in the Pokemon series of games. It is not possible to get the move as a TM in Pokemon Crystal.