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you dont need it just fly or walk to the place where you beat chuck go through whirl isilands and then boom lugia right there in da open wit a sweet cutsequence =) and if ya ko it beat da league and go back to whirl isilands and catch it! W00T


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Q: Where to get the Lugia bell in HeartGold?
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Where do you get the bell for Lugia in HeartGold?

from a man in pewter city.

Do you need the bell to catch Lugia in HeartGold?

yes but it is in pewter city

Do you need the tidal bell to catch lugia on Pokemon heartgold?

you need a silver wing

Where do you get lugia on HeartGold?

you can catch lugia in whil islands in heartgold

How do you get shawdow Lugia in Pokemon HeartGold?

Shadow Lugia is not in HeartGold.

Can you catch hoho in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes. You will be able to find Hoho on top of the bell tower after you have the rainbow wing and the clear bell and you can get lugia too

Where can you catch a Lugia?

If you are referring to HeartGold and SoulSilver, then you need to acquire the Silver Wing, and the Tidal Bell, and visit the Whirlpool Islands. For SoulSilver, you need the Silver Wing and Tidal Bell, and the Kimono girls will dance, summoning the Legendary. This is your chance to catch it. For HeartGold, you should see Lugia ahead of you, ready to catch.

In heart gold when do you get to re battle Lugia?

Once you have the Silver Wing and Tidal Bell you can go to Whirl Islands to catch Lugia.

What is the action replay code for the tidal bell?

there isn't one because tidal bell is for SoulSilver only... xD it lets you get Lugia......... in HeartGold you can get the clear bell for Ho-oh but you cant get the tidal bell in DpT......... (diamond, pearl, platinum)

How do you start HeartGold with Lugia?

You cannot start Heart Gold with Lugia.

Should you catch Lugia or Mewtwo first in heartgold?

Lugia its easier.

Can you get both Lugia and Ho-oh in either heartgold or SoulSilver?

No. Lugia for SoulSilver and Ho-oh for HeartGold. Yes, you just get them at different times. You get Ho-oh in Johto and Lugia in Kanto in HeartGold, and vise versa in SoulSilver.