You can get it as a gift from Mr. Psychic in Saffron City. You can also go to the Celadon Game Corner, and buy it as a prize for 10,000 coins.
Go to saffron city in kanto and there is a house called Mr. psychic and he will give it to you.
Lugia doesn't learn psychic in Pokemon soul silver on his own. However, you can easily teach Lugia psychic if you have the move in your possession.
in soul silver
you don't have friend codes in soul silver.
I would say that fire is the most effective. Jynx is a Ice and Psychic type. Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel, Bug, Ghost, and Dark will Be the most effective.
I have absolutely no idea sorry guys
They are Psychic Poison Fighting and Dark
Go to saffron city in kanto and there is a house called Mr. psychic and he will give it to you.
Lugia doesn't learn psychic in Pokemon soul silver on his own. However, you can easily teach Lugia psychic if you have the move in your possession.
What beats Fighting types easily are Psychic, and Flying.
In saffron city. P.S: She uses the psychic type
psychic poison fighting dark champion dragon
I recommend the use of a Dark or Psychic Pokemon or a Pokemon with those moves.
I presume you mean Sabrina. SInce her entire gym is psychic type, use dark pokemon. Dark is supereffective on Psychic. If you have no Dark, then use bug. Same reason.
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types 2 use: grass, water, fire, electric, psychic, dragon.
The cast of Psychic and Soul - 2009 includes: Lorraine Alder as herself Pippa Dawn as Psychic (2009) Sue Hudd as herself Maria Taylor as herself