Get the Hoenn sound,on Wednesday tune into Pokemon music channel and go to national park. Use the Pokemon march music while walking in the grass. And hopefully Plusle will appear! Same thing with Minun.
Hoped it helped. 8)
If you breed a minun and plusle together you will get either a baby plusle or minun (depends who the father is).
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
Yes Plusle is always a girl if you want a boy then it would have to be Minun
On wenesdays, turn your rdio to the Pokemon music channel and play that music while looking for Pokemon in route 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 or the national park. I think they are pretty rare since im still looking for a Plusle, its been like an hour, but you may get lucky like I did when I caught my Minun
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
Plusle is an Electric type pokemon.
If you are breeding Plusle and Minun, a female Plusle with a male Minun will produce a Plusle and a female Minun with a male Plusle will produce a Minun. Every female Pokemon will produce her species.
Assuming you're talking about breeding, what Pokemon you get depends on the genders. If you have a female Plusle and a male Minun, you get a Plusle, while a female Minun and male Plusle gives you a Minun.
plusle is a pink rabbit pokemon. you can get one in the trophy garden on certain days
No, plusle does not evolve in ANY games.
No, Plusle cannot learn Surf.
If you breed a minun and plusle together you will get either a baby plusle or minun (depends who the father is).
You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc. You can find it on certain electrical Pokemon such as plusle, minun, magnemite, etc.
you can get a plusle in diamond by migrating it from like emerald or something like that
Plusle can be found and caught on Route 110.
If you have defeated the Elite Four and have the National PokeDex, on Wednesday tune in to the Pokemon Music station and look around. ( I did this and i found a lot of Pokemon from Holenn. Ex. Absol, Spoink, Numel, Plusle and Minun.) I hops this helped. ^_^
Since plusle and minun are Hoenn Pokemon you have to wait till Wednesdays and go to the Pokemon March station,turn on the Hoenn sound show, and go to routes 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, and the National Park