You surf to the left of the island until you get to cianwood city and go into the medicine mans cabin. Once you talk to him, he will give you the medicine and you can either fly back or surf back to the lighthouse to give jasmine the medicine.
If you have brought the medicine with you from Cianwood, you just have to talk to Jasmine. If not, you'll have to surf to Cianwood and talk to the man in the pharmacy. Make sure you've spoken to Jasmine first, or he won't give you the medicine. Also, pick up Strength first, so you can beat the gym in Cianwood and fly back to Olivine. If not, you'll have to Surf back... Then talk to Jasmine, who will return to the gym.
In Cianwood City you receive the medicine from the medicine shop. To give the medicine to the gym leader you have to go to the top of the lighthouse in olivine, which is where she will be. She will then return to her gym where she will battle you. Be careful - her Pokemon (2 magnemites and a Steelix) can be tough! Good luck! :)
You must go get some medicine for her from cainwood, and bring it to her at the top of the lighthouse. Then she will return to her gym.
The 6th gym leader in Johto is Jasmine of Olivine City, and her Pokemon are as follows: Magnemite lvl 30 Magnemite lvl 30 (Yes, two magnemites) Steelix lvl 35
You have to beat Cianwood gym, get the medicine from the Cianwood medicine shop, and take it to the top of the lighthouse. Then, the gym leader of Olivine will fight you. Good luck!
Go back to Olivine City and give the medicine to Jasmine. Then fight her at the gym.
Jasmine is the Olivine City Gym leader
I think you'll need to give Amphy the medicine in the Lighthouse and battle Jasmine, then you can battle Chuck, which the is 5th Gym Leader in Cianwood City.
the sexth gym leader jasmine is in the lighthouse
Jasmine(the gym leader) wants a secret potion for Ampharos, the lighthouse pokemon. To get the potion, you have to go to Cianwood City. There you can beat the 5th gym leader and then go to the pharmacy and get the medicine. Fly back to Olivine City and give it to her.
To get the Olivine City Gym leader to battle you, you have to go to the top of the lighthouse and help her heal a Pokemon by getting medicine from a man across the sea in Cianwood. The leader there, Chuck, is actually the fifth, and Jasmine is the sixth.
you have to give your pokemon the specific medicine you want to give the gym leader and the battle him
Jasmine, the Olivine City Gym Leader, has two Magnemite and a Steelix when you first battle her.
The lighthouse is in Olivine City, where the gym leader Jasmine is.
The lighthouse is in Olivine City, where the gym leader Jasmine is.
surf to cianwood city. check the pharmacy for the secret potion. go back to jasmine. done
The Johto Gym Leader Jasmine from Olivine City is in Sunyshore City.