The 6th gym leader in Johto is Jasmine of Olivine City, and her Pokemon are as follows:
Magnemite lvl 30
Magnemite lvl 30 (Yes, two magnemites)
Steelix lvl 35
The 5th gym leader in Johto is Chuck. He is located in Cianwood City.
She is a Sinnoh gym leader, the game is based off the regions of Johto and Kanto.
You beat the 6th gym leader.
The 6th Gym Leader In Pokemon Ruby Destiny is in Down Pour City
The 5th gym leader in Johto is Chuck. He is located in Cianwood City.
Whitney at Goldenrod city.
You have to enter the Pokemon League.
The 6th gym leader is in Fortree City.
The 6th gym leader is in Canalave City.
johto gym leader morty
go to vilet city.
the fith gym leader in crystal is on an Island in the southwest of Johto. use surf to get to him
The Johto Gym Leader Jasmine from Olivine City is in Sunyshore City.
The 6th Gym Leader in Pearl is Byron who is in Canalave City.
The 6th gym is in Saffron City the gym leader is Sabrina she uses Psychic type pokemon.
The 6th gym leader in Pokémon Sapphire is found at the Fortree Gym. The name of the gym leader here is Winona.