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Go to the S.S aqua and talk to the captain in a separate room from everyone elses. Each day you will get a different plate.

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Q: Where to get iron plate in soul silver?
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Will silver plated stick to a magnet?

You can not plate silver with iron, so no. (you can cover silver inside iron, but that would be just ridiculous, unless you want to hide the silver) But if you plate iron with silver, then you can lift the silvery object with magnet. (because the magnet sticks to the iron) But silver, whatever state it is in (wire, plate, necklace) does not stick to a magnet.

Where is the iron works in Pokemon Soul Silver?

There isn't an Iron Works in Pokemon SoulSilver.

What boosts ghost type moves soul silver?

Use a spooky plate.

How do you get the TM iron tail in Pokemon soul silver?

Defeat Jasmine a olivine city.then youll get iron tail.

Can you get Lucario in soul silver?

lucario is not in the wild but you can get a riolu from an egg on iron island so just evolve it from that.

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in soul silver

Is Bristol silver or silver plated?

It is quadruple silver plate. It's still silver plate, but better quality silver plate.

Which of these is the real game that's coming out Pure Silver or Silver Soul?

Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.

Where is enthrix city in soul silver?

no such thing not in soul silver

Will magnet stick to silver plate?

Probably not. You need a ferromagnetic material for a magnet to stick. There are basically three elements that are ferromagnetic: Cobalt [Co]; Nickel [Ni]; & Iron [Fe] (and some esoteric ones too). If the metal alloy that has been plated with silver to make the "silver plate" has enough of these then a magnet will stick, of these, only Nickel is commonly a component of alloys that are plated but often not in concentrations that are sufficient to make it obviously magnetic.

Can you get Articuno in silver?

As in soul silver? Yes you can is soul silver. At the bottom of seafoam islands.

Should you get Pokemon Soul Silver?

Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT