On the route south of the city with the 1st gym..go down until u see grass near a small body of water, check in that grass patch at night time. Or you can go to the ruins and surf in any body of water there at night time.
Well actually , Quagsire doesn't evolve. Quagsire's the evolved form of Wooper. Wooper evolves at lv. 20. Otherwise just use a water stone. Hope I helped!
i think that wooper can't learn waterfall at a level.
in soul silver
In Pokemon Silver you can find Wooper in Route 32 but only at night and you can also find it in the Ruins of Alpha in both the grass and in the water but water-wise only via Surfing on a Pokemon and in the Union Cave you can find it in the cave as well as by surfing on the water.
you don't have friend codes in soul silver.
Well actually , Quagsire doesn't evolve. Quagsire's the evolved form of Wooper. Wooper evolves at lv. 20. Otherwise just use a water stone. Hope I helped!
i think that wooper can't learn waterfall at a level.
Quagsire does not evolve in SoulSilver. Quagsire has a previous evolution, Wooper, but not following evolution. Quagsire does not evolve in any other version, either.
it evolves at level 30
in soul silver
Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.
no such thing not in soul silver
In Pokemon Silver you can find Wooper in Route 32 but only at night and you can also find it in the Ruins of Alpha in both the grass and in the water but water-wise only via Surfing on a Pokemon and in the Union Cave you can find it in the cave as well as by surfing on the water.
As in soul silver? Yes you can is soul silver. At the bottom of seafoam islands.
Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT
Professor Rowan isn't in Soul silver
you can't ice fossils in soul silver