You have to ask one of your friends or YOU can ask your parents and you don't spend a dime!
You can buy some at the Kinzstyle outlet, or you can make them in the clothing machine. The recipe is Penny Loafers, Lovely Leopard Cat Cap, and the White Hollywood Sunglasses. Also, if you have a pet chocolate lab they naturally put on glasses, although they are taken off.
Yes there is a penny but it is very hard to find with all of the other things in the way.
You can not get Penny by planting seeds. The only way to get Penny is to complete mission 6 with the super moshi. Only members can do missions. 011: *Penny the Mini Money [Luckies] Super Moshi Mission 6: Super Moshiversity Challenge
a penny
you can't!
who knows if walmart has webkinz! i doubt they do. but jc. penny used to have webkinz but any more try hastings or enocomany pharmancy or walgreens. hope this helps! my username in webkinz is girlstlye. i have a pink pony and a seal bye!
You can go to Dillards,Sears,or JC penny they have expensive Webkinz but if it is around a holiday you can get them on sale.
Someone who does not like spending money
You can purchase webkinz at Hallmark,Cracker Barrel, J.C Penny, and at Toys R Us. You can also purchase them at Justice as well
Look at a webkinz code generator, or keep typing codes until you get it, or but a code on the Internet. the ones on the Internet are only a penny.
1 penny = 1 eSTORE point.
yes you can at ebey you can get tons of webkinz for 1 penny and you can also get free shipping hope that helped
Uh, . . ebay! Where else! You can get a Webkinz for 1 penny there!
If you are a careful spender trying to get the most for your dollar, then you could be described as "frugal". Others might describe you as a "penny pincher". "He has the the ability to pinch a penny until it screams." ----------------------------------------------------- prudent spending.
one game like webkinz is you don't have to pay a penny and it's really fun
The secret to getting fit for free is to use every opportunity to be active.Armed with a bit of get-up-and-go and good planning, you can be fitter than ever without spending a penny.