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You can buy some at the Kinzstyle outlet, or you can make them in the clothing machine. The recipe is Penny Loafers, Lovely Leopard Cat Cap, and the White Hollywood Sunglasses. Also, if you have a pet chocolate lab they naturally put on glasses, although they are taken off.

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Q: Where can you get Webkinz glasses on Webkinz world?
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You can purchase 3D glasses in the Webkinz WShop using KinzCash. They are sometimes available as part of the special promotions or events in the game as well.

Where do the Webkinz live?

webkinz world

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they are worth nothing. the rarest item ever on webkinz is the bunny clown so no it is not worth anything.

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There is some of the Webkinz arcade games for Ipod Touches and there is Webkinz Friends for Ipads. Just not Webkinz World.

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No, you can't sled in webkinz world.

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There already is a Webkinz world online. Questions TO Webkinz should be asked on the Webkinz website, not on WikiAnswers.

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In the world about 116 webkinz where made

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A place in Webkinz World where you can earn Kinzcash

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All the webkinz are posted on Webkinz world.

Can your Webkinz get married on Webkinz world?

You can't. Sorry.

How do you make the glass slippers on webkinz?

Princess hat, funky girl glasses, and ruby slippers

How do you get tokon's on Webkinz world?

all you need to do i play games and do actitives on webkinz world.