In the twist mountain, in the bottom cave, talk to man facing wall, after the main game
The Helix and Dome fossils are key items that first appeared in Pokemon Red and Blue. They are fossilized pokemon however they need to be ressurected to see what kind of pokemon they are. Luckily at Cinnibar Island a scientist created a machine to revive fossilized pokemon. Head to the island and go inside the building left from the Pokemon Center, go to the far right room and speak to the scientist by the big machine. He will ask you to give him the fossil give him the fossil then he will ask for you to take a walk since it's gonna be awhile. Go outside then come back in the building and speak to him again to recieve your fossil pokemon. The Helix Fossil contains Omanyte and the Dome Fossil contains Kabuto.
The DNA Splicers don't actually appear in Pokemon black and white. There not even in the code so you cant hack to get them. They were invented by Ghetsis in Pokemon black and white 2.
Eevee cannot be found in pokemon black or white, and must be traded to be obtained.
You can not catch any of them in black or white, but I think that you can catch all 3 in diamond.
Pokemon Black and White cannot be downloaded and played on the PS3 officially. It is only available for the DS system family.
The Claw Fossil is Anorith.
You'll get an Anorith. CLAW fossil- anorith root fossil-lileep helix fossil- kabuto
the claw fossil is better superkidra- more specifically The Claw fossil is a fossil which contains a Pokemon named Anorith, for you to get Anorith is to take the fossil and give it to a scientist in Devon Corp. (Rustboro City). After some time he will call you and tell you to come for the Pokemon (Anorith).
ITs the fossil of a pokemon, namely kabuto
The Claw fossil
You make a Pokemon hold a root fossil on another game. Then you migrate or trade that Pokemon to the game that you have the claw fossil.
root fossil is lileep claw fossil is anorith
Claw Fossil - Anorith Root Fossil - Lileep
You can resurrect an Anorith from a claw fossil if you go to Devon Corp. in Rustboro city.
In Pokemon Ruby, the fossils that can be revived are the Root Fossil, which revives into Lileep, and the Claw Fossil, which revives into Anorith. Lileep is a Rock/Grass type Pokemon and Anorith is a Rock/Bug type Pokemon.
The Pokemon Anarith
In the dessert