You don't get CCTV cameras on Club Penguin. The only CCTV cameras you can get is in the clothing caterlog. Not sure if its in there now but hope you can get one soon!
Buy the camera and wave
at the party ofcors
To use the camera, you have to be wearing only the camera and wave. This should make the camera work.
first you have to get Herbert's old spy phone then combine it with the camera then put the camera on the tree
Hide where you are invisible and throw a snow ball at the security camera you can see.
Buy the camera and wave
i dont know where it is
at the party ofcors
Yes, you need to have a camera and you have to buy the camera.
Microchip Expert is one of the best CCTV Camera repairing institute in Delhi. We give CCTV Camera training using latest and advance machine with 100% practical. In CCTV Camera repairing course, we provide faulty CCTV Camera's for repairing to our students for live practical in our lab.
To use the camera, you have to be wearing only the camera and wave. This should make the camera work.
Multitech is one of the best CCTV Camera repairing institute in Delhi. We give CCTV Camera training using latest and advance machine with 100% practical. In CCTV Camera repairing course, we provide faulty CCTV Camera's for repairing to our students for live practical in our lab.
You can't make it. You can buy it
its on the ice berg
throw a snowball at it on club penguin
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