the Pokemon fan club in vermilion has a guy that gives you a bike voucher
Get the bike voucher then go to the bike shop to receive a bicycle.
downtown cerulean city
Talk to the chairman of the Pokemon fan club in vermilion city and listen to his story when he is finished he gives you a bike voucher give that to the bike shop to get a free bike.
The Bike Shop is in Cerulean City, but the bikes there are impossibly expensive; you'll need to get the Bike Voucher from the president of the Fan Club in Vermillion City in order to get a bicycle.
There is not a bike voucher in Pokemon sapphire
Talk to the guy in the pokemon fan club at Virdian city. He will give you a bike voucher and then cash it in at the bike store
Get the bike voucher then go to the bike shop to receive a bicycle.
downtown cerulean city
Talk to the chairman of the Pokemon fan club in vermilion city and listen to his story when he is finished he gives you a bike voucher give that to the bike shop to get a free bike.
What do you mean by leaving
In PokŽmon Red Meboy, there is a way to get an extra bike as one of the cheats. Attempt to put the bike in your bag, and another bike will appear. This will give you two bikes.
You have to talk to the CHAIRMAN of the POKEMON FAN CLUB in VERMILION CITY, he'll give you a BIKE VOUCHER for listening to him, take that to the bike shop in CERULEAN CITY for a new bike.
the fastest way to make a egg hatch if you have a mach bike register it (in case you acsedentally exit out of the bike)get on it ride in a circle fore about 5 minutes and it should hatch i hope this helps :)
you get a bike voucher from vermillion city for completing a task, then go back to the bike shop in cerulean city and buy it
In cerulean city. Just go to viridian where the pokefan club is, speack to the man up and tell him yes, he will give you a bike voucher, trade it for a bike in the bike shop.
see How get bicycle in Pokemon leaf green?
it's 10000000 current currency