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First you have to beat the Elite four and get the national dex ...... then to the pal park - at the end of route 221 (surf right from sandgem) .... then meet oak ... he will then go to a house in eterna - bottom left one ... he will say about some birds in sinnoh region(zapdos,articuno n moltres) .... now all the 3 will be on ur marking map app.....dont use fly while tracing them ..... the more u fly the more they run ..... u can catch them with quick balls ... or using mean look or block .... or u can catch them using false swipe - leaving 1 hp of it.....sleep it then catch it with ultra balls or dusk balls at night .....

I caught Giratina,Diagla,Palkia using quick balls n heatran using dusk ball n uxie n azelf using ultra balls....mesprit with mean look n all.....zapdos ,articuno,moltres with the same method...

hope it works .....

Swapnil ....

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Q: Where to get Zapdos without cheats on Pokemon platinum?
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Ho-Oh can't be found on Platinum. The legendaries of Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos can be found though.

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Can you catch legendary Pokemon from previous Pokemon games Zapdos moltres arctino mew and mew-two preferably in Pokemon crystal without using cheats?

i belive so my best friend transferred moltres, zapdos, etc from leaf green to platinum. i think you have to beat the elite four in one of the versions, maybe both and use migration. this might help you