You must kill the black knight then if he drops it click yes to get it.
see easy as a pie, anybody know how to make pie?
CURSED BLADE OF THE WICKED. you get it from black knight (don't take him on on your own hes got 50,000 hp and does criticals)
It is in the AC shop for 600 AC's.
You buy King Alteon's blade from the Good Shop (not good rep shop.) It's for members only sadly.
easy /join greenguard east then fight the 4 strongest monster with quest of course then complete quest and kill it! :P
You must complete the quest 'Juggernaut Items of Nulgath'. The process behind this is very complicated so it is best to examine the AQW wiki.
You cannot get the Blade of Awe in AQWorlds yet. The only players that have it are the moderators.
It's Bejeweled Blade. Do Valencia's daily quest Bejeweled Blade.
the strongest blade is the cold rune edge lol jking
The most powerful weapon in AQWorlds is the "Blade of Awe" it's critical is more powerful than every other blade. also Blade of Awe can reach up 1,000+ damage of the ''Blade of Awe" Answered by: ArtixEntertainment Gaming
CURSED BLADE OF THE WICKED. you get it from black knight (don't take him on on your own hes got 50,000 hp and does criticals)
The most expensive weapon in AQworlds is blade of affliction which costs 1.5 million gold!
vampire blade in nulglath shop
It is in the AC shop for 600 AC's.
default blade enchaned
it is only for moderators ... for now
/join Andre and kill the first monster
it is dropped by purple draconian in vasalkar's lair