He goes every wear so look for a storm that changes color and when you find it use mean look so it can't run away
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
You can't find gible in pokemon white. You must trade it.
it isnt in pokemon white sry
You can find a Weedle in White Forest.
in pokemon world
Cianwood island first building to the left
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
You cannot find Vullaby in Pokemon White Version. It is exclusive to Pokemon Black as Rufflet is to Pokemon White.
You cannot find a scyther in Pokemon white
At the white forest. You can only find him in pokemon white.(I think);)
Its no pokemon that names Electrowire on Pokemon White..
Virizion is for pokemon black. You can find Cobalion in white.
You can't find a buneary in pokemon black and white.
You cant find it in Pokemon White. You can only find it in Kanto and Sinnoh.
You cannot find Celebi in-game in Pokemon Black and White. You must get it from the Pokemon Black and White Tour.
No you cannot find Gary in Pokemon black/white but you can find him in the kanto region.