To acquire the Good Rod in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and/or Platinum, simply travel to Route 209 and you will meet a fisherman who will give you the Good Rod.
#134 on the Sinnoh dex is Finneon. You can find it on route 218 fishing with a good rod. It evolves in to Lumineon around Lv. 30.
Sinnoh Pokedex #135: Lumineon. Good or Super Rod: Rote 219-221. Super Rod: Route 205 (South) & 218, Canalave City, Valley Windworks, Fuego Ironworks, and Iron Island.
You find old rod at dewford town You find Good rod at route 118 You find Super rod At Mossdeep town in a building. (Hardest to find)
The red qyrados is just a shiny grados and u can get gyrados when fishing with a good/super fishing rod imn Sinnoh
In Pokemon Crystal you can find Dratini in Dragon's Den and Route 45. To find and catch Dratini you will need to use the Good Rod or Super Rod.
#134 on the Sinnoh dex is Finneon. You can find it on route 218 fishing with a good rod. It evolves in to Lumineon around Lv. 30.
you cannot get any other rod then the super rod (you get the super rod after you beat the game and talk to looker a police officer from the sinnoh region in Pokemon platiunum)
#134 on the Sinnoh dex is Finneon. You can find it on route 218 fishing with a good rod. It evolves in to Lumineon around Lv. 30.
Sinnoh Pokedex #135: Lumineon. Good or Super Rod: Rote 219-221. Super Rod: Route 205 (South) & 218, Canalave City, Valley Windworks, Fuego Ironworks, and Iron Island.
I don't know, but u can get the Super Rod from a fisher man in the fight area. Plus to do that, u need to see every Pokemon in sinnoh.
I suggest you get a rod (Old rod, good rod, super rod) or find HM03 (Surf).
You can use the Good Rod in Pokemon Sapphire to catch Pokemon. To get it, talk to a fisherman on Route 118.
In Pokemon Diamond, if you have the sinnoh pokedex(that means you have not found all the Pokemon in the sinnoh region)number 80 is barboach. If you have the national pokedex, number 80 is slowbro. I hope that helps.
The good rod is unavailable in Pokemon Black and White. Instead, when you start the postgame Looker will give you the Super Rod.
There is only one rod in Pokemon Black and White. You will not get it until after you have defeated the Elite Four and Team Plasma.
No. It is only with the super rod.
You can find a good rod on route 209 or you can find a super rod in the Fight Area.