Sudowoodo is in a 3 way path joining 3 routes near Violet city, Eucreatek city and Goldenrod city but you need a squirtbottle to battle it.
safari zone but if you have silver,gold,crystal,heart gold,or soul silver you get it in joto
If you mean silver wing,it's in pewter city, old man give you that. And there's no silver leaf in gold.
You can't get it in the silver version only heart gold
You can't get a Raticate Tail in Pokemon Gold, Silver, or Crystal.
No, it can only be found in heart gold.
water it
right next to the place you find soodowoodo
after you find the flower shop you go to the funny tree blocking a route use water on it and it turns into soodowoodo after beeting it go to the guy who is straight ahead of you and he gives it to you.
no they both have different names and Pokemon gold you can eaisly find a caterpie and you can find one gold caterpie=gold metapod=pink butter free and silver you can find a silver weedle=silver kakuna = some colored beedrill.
Gold and silver HOPE THIS HELPS :)
gold and silver
safari zone but if you have silver,gold,crystal,heart gold,or soul silver you get it in joto
If you mean silver wing,it's in pewter city, old man give you that. And there's no silver leaf in gold.
That Pokemon isn't found on Pokemon platinum. You have to get a bonsly from diamond or pearl and evolve it.
to find gold and silver
In Mount Silver
Mt Silver.