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Near Snowpoint City

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Q: Where to find medicham in Pokemon Platinum?
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What trainer has a medicham in Pokemon platinum?

you can find medicham in the tall grass outside snowpoint.

How do you find TM thunder punch in Pokemon platinum?

there is no TM for thunderpunch but Pokemon like electivire or medicham can learn it.

In Pokemon platinum how do you get medicham on your pokedex?

in mount coranet

Where is the lady who wants Medicham in Pokemon Platinum?

The lady who wants to trade a Haunter for a Medicham is in a house in Snowpoint City. It is nearest to the south, on the west side of the city.

Where is medicham in Pokemon Platinum?

mt cornet or victory road or you can catch it at pal park if you migrate it You can get a medicham on the middle floor of mount coronet (floor 2)

What city is the third gym in pokemon platinum?

The fighting gym, Maylene is the leader. Her Pokemon are machoke, medicham and lucario. Be careful lucario is fighting steel type. machoke-27 medicham-27 lucario-30

What Pokemon does star dahlia have in platinum?

1st Battle: Dusknoir,Medicham and Ludicolo 2nd Battle:Zapdos,Blaziken and Togekiss

What type of Pokemon is Medicham?

Medicham is a Psychic and Fighting type pokemon.

What Pokemon is number 84 in the national pokedex in platinum?

Medicham, the evolution of Meditite X24

Medicham is the last Pokemon you need to complete your Sinnoh dex where do you find it and please tell you the exact steps Pokemon platinum?

go to mt. corenet just pretend your going to spear pillar and just use that path and you sure will find one!

Where do you find the TM mind reader in Pokemon platinum?

Mind Reader is not available as a TM in any Pokemon game. Mind Reader can be learned by Poliwrath, Hitmonlee, Articuno, Breloom, Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja, Meditite, and Medicham.

Where can you find a medicham?

Trade Meditite from Ruby or Sapphire to Emerald. It will evolve at level 37. Or you can trade a Medicham from Ruby or Sapphire. Neither Meditite or Medicham are available in the wild in Emerald.