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You can find Leftovers in Route 12. You will need the move Cut to be able to reach it.

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Q: Where to find leftovers in Pokemon y?
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Where can you find leftovers in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you could get leftovers by beating or catching one of the two snorlaxes and use the item finder and there should be leftovers there

Where to find the leftovers in Pokemon platinum?

thieve it off snorlax

How do you get more leftovers in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

You can get leftovers with any munchlax you find, but they are extremely rare (1 out of 100 chance) and you find them on honey trees.

Where are leftovers in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can find the Leftovers item on the S.S. Tidal. It's hidden in a garbage bin somewhere on the ship.

Where do you find leftovers in Pokemon Ruby?

They're in a trash can on the S.S. Tidal.

Where do you find Leftovers in Pokemon X and Y?

In Pokémon X and Y, the item Leftovers can be found around Route 12 (the HM01 Cut is required). However, if you have any Pokémon from level 81 to 100 with the ability Pickup in your party, there's a 1% chance of getting this item.

Where are the leftovers in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find leftovers where snorlax is. Use the item finder at this spot and you will find the leftovers. You cant use the item finder near it you have to beon top of the spot. It will then say "there is an item under foot" and there it will be.

Where to get leftovers in platinum?

You can find Leftovers in Victory Road on Pokemon Platinum. Leftovers can sometimes be held by wild Munchlax which can be found after using Honey on the golden trees you see around Sinnoh.

How do you get leftovers in Pokemon Emerald?

Leftovers are an item that you can give to Pokemon to hold. In Pokemon Emerald, you can get them from the bins on the SS Tidal.

Where can you find leftovers in Pokemon Gold?

When I caught Snorlax blocking Diglett Cave it was holding leftovers. But I'm not sure if it was just luck adn a one time thing, because leftovers is supergood to have I think.

Where did you find the leftovers in Pokemon Black and White?

village bridge trash can use dowsing machine

Where do you get leftovers in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You have to wake up the Snorlax in front of Diglett's cave and catch him. He is holding leftovers.