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you go to the safari park and on your bike you keep your finger on b until your bike starts to move up and down then you can find houndour however it takes a long time and also thnis way you can find milktank,gliger and stantler .

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Q: Where to find houndour in ruby?
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Can you catch Houndour in Ruby?

No. Houndour is available in Emarald,though.Therefore,you must ccatch Houndour in Emerald and evolve it if you want Houndoom.

Can houndour evolve in Pokemon ruby?

Yes, Houndour evolves to Houndoom at level 24.

Where do you get a houndour on ruby?

you can get it in the grass by the fire cave.

How do you find a houndoom on Pokemon Ruby?

Houndoom cannot be found in Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire; you must trade to obtain it. Houndour, which evolves into Houndoom, can be found in Pokémon Emerald, in the new section of the Safari Zone which opens after you beat the Elite Four. You can also find Houndour in Pokémon XD or Houndoom in Pokémon Colosseum and trade them to Ruby.

It's so strange with my Pokemon ruby game i go everywhere at victory road or the fields and i just can find houndoom there's no other Pokemon what can you do now?

if you have houndour i dont know what to tell you but if you can't find houndour or houndoom it is because it is in the johto region , not hoenn region 8-(

How do you get a male houndour in platinum?

how do you find a male houndour in pokemon platinum

Can you find a Pokemon called houndour on Pokemon ruby?

No, but when you beat the Champion Houndour is in the zone PS.Where the guys did not let you go in

How do you get a houndour in soul silver?

You can find a Houndour at Route 7 and the Safari Zone.

Where can you find Houndour in Soul Silver?

Houndour can be found in Route 7, Night only.

How do you get a houndoom in Pokemon Pokemon FireRed?

You get a houndour then evolve it i will update when I find out where to catch houndour

How can you catch hondome on ruby?

Unfortunatley, you can't catch Houndoom on Ruby. You need to trade it from Emerald. On Emerald, you can find Houndour in the Safari Zone Extention (after you beat the Elite Four go to the place where the two guys where blocking the path).However,it is a rare pokemon, and you need to be patient. Houndoom must evolve from Houndour because Houndoom can't be found in the wild.

Where do you find houndour in Pokemon pearl?

You find houndour in route 214 or 215, something like that, probably use a poke radar to find it.