there's a reign of legends?- yes it is a ROM game
and you get flash by going into the Francia Cave in the City of Pine Francia and talking to the hiker in there
To Get The Pokemon Ralts In Pokemon Ruby Destiny Reign Of Legends Might be Tough To Find Because it is Kind of Rare. Anyways To Get Ralts go To Snow Soft City And Keep Running Around It Might Take Long But Keep Trying The Pokemon You Would Find Is Ralts,Spheal , Smoochum ,Swinub, And Seel. Hope This Helped! By Andrew=D
The place where it flashes is where you can find the Pokemon It would flash blue if it was found in the water
Non. Flash is a HTM that you gotta find in the game!
Find an Abra to give flash in the cave in dewford.
You can buy TM70 Flash at the Veilstone Department Store.
go to the trick house there you can find blitz
east of lavaridge town after beating the gym leader
the guy in the first forest , the bug one who was there at the beginning
angeallen is not a pokemon. it is only a hack or glitch pokemon. you can get it by action replay though..........
Its a rom hack made by destinedjagold, to get it go to and click on descargas go to +rom hacks and find it its downloadeble in English but its kindve a mockery of Pokemon so be careful.
To Get The Pokemon Ralts In Pokemon Ruby Destiny Reign Of Legends Might be Tough To Find Because it is Kind of Rare. Anyways To Get Ralts go To Snow Soft City And Keep Running Around It Might Take Long But Keep Trying The Pokemon You Would Find Is Ralts,Spheal , Smoochum ,Swinub, And Seel. Hope This Helped! By Andrew=D
The place where it flashes is where you can find the Pokemon It would flash blue if it was found in the water
Do the same thing in Pokemon peaRL
You buy the Flash TM from Nimbassa City.
Non. Flash is a HTM that you gotta find in the game!
Find an Abra to give flash in the cave in dewford.
its not an HM anymore you have to find it.