you wil find it in rout 4 nekst to Cerulean city in the grass. if you dont find it at once keep loking it is there but it can take som time.
take me, I was there many times but I did not find it and now I am lukkelig if i find a rattata or a sperow.
You can't get ekans on emerald trade one from firered.
The earliest route you can get it at is Route 4.
You can not catch Sandshrew in Pokemon Firered. It is Leafgreen exclusive. Firered gets Ekans instead.
"How do I get an ekans in Pokemon leafgreen?"You can't catch an ekans in Pokemon leafgreen, but you can catch it in Pokemon firered and trade it.I got my Ekans at route 10 at lv. 4
to find ekans you first need to insert in the dual slot the gba game Pokemon firered version. then fly to pastoria city. next, you have to go into the marshes on the right of pastoria. it will take a long time to catch so be patient!
You can't get ekans on emerald trade one from firered.
You get an ekans and raise it up to be an arbok p.s. ekans are really easy to find!
ekans can be found in the end of the victory road in leafgreen. You can only find growlithe in firered. firered you can find both way easyer in firered than leafgreen so trade with firered. there is info about pkmn for all you GAMERS
You catch Ekans on Route 4 in FireRed.
You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon FireRed.
In route 212 with FireRed plugged in.
The earliest route you can get it at is Route 4.
Using the FireRed Dongle method, in Diamond and Pearl you will find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe, Elekid and Gengar and in Platinum you'll find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe and Gengar.
Since you can't find one trade with firered to get one.
Ekans will evolve at level 20.
nobody has an ekans you need to find it in route 212 with Pokemon firered in your gba gameslot Fun Fact- Ekans spelt backwards is snake!
You can not catch Sandshrew in Pokemon Firered. It is Leafgreen exclusive. Firered gets Ekans instead.