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Its is fairly rare and the only place I have seen and caught it was in the Safari Zone. Be care it flees very quickly.

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Q: Where to find chansey in the wild in Pokemon FireRed?
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Where to find lucky egg in Pokemon FireRed?

Wild Chansey can sometimes hold that item to find Chansey go to the safari zone.

Were can you find a wild chansey in Pokemon FireRed?

Wild Chansey are found in the Safari Zone. It's a rare encounter and is difficult to catch, along with the fact that it can flee at any time during the encounter.

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you can't unless you trade it from another game.

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In the wild.

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Use Theif On A Wild Chansey

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Shroomish is not available to be caught in the wild in Pokemon FireRed, it must be traded from Ruby or Sapphire.

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You cannot find Piloswine in the wild on Pokemon FireRed. You can find it's pre-evolved form Swinub in Icefall Cave on Floe Island in the Sevii Islands of Pokemon FireRed.

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You can get them from Chansey. Capture a wild chansey and they always carry one with them. I just checked 3 chanseys that i have and they're all holding one.

How do you find dodrio in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't. You have to find and catch a wild doduo in the safari zone and evolve it.

How do you get the Pokemon Sunkern in Pokemon FireRed?

Actually, I think that is a Johto region pokemon, and seeing as Firered is a 1st gen remake, which is set in Kanto, you can't find it in the wild. You might be able to trade for it.

Where do you find a lucky egg in heartgold?

Wild Chansey

How do you get an Electrizer in Pokemon Diamond Version with out FireRed?

On route 222 you can find Electabuzz.Those Pokemon hold them in the wild sometimes when you catch them