On Route 204 - south - with the Firered cartridge inserted(DS lite only), by putting Caterpie into the PalPark from Firered or Leafgreen, or trading it from Heartgold(Routes 2, 30, 31, Ilex Forest, National Park, Veridian Forest, or Bug Catching Contest) or Soulsilver(Bug Catching Contest).
find a caterpie in eterna forest then level it to level 7 and it will evolve into larvitar
caterpie evolves into metapod by leveling, not by a stone
Caterpie evolves into Metapod, starting at level 7, then Metapod can evolve into Butterfree at level 10.
Caterpie evolves into a Metapod, Which then turns into a Butterfree at level 10.
Caterpie can evolve into metapod starting at level 7. The evolution conditions for caterpie are not different in Pokemon Yellow from other pokemon games.
Using the FireRed Dongle method, in Diamond and Pearl you will find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe, Elekid and Gengar and in Platinum you'll find Caterpie, Metapod, Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe and Gengar.
at rt. 204 but caterpie is rare so it will take a week or a while
you cant caterpie isn't in Pokemon pearl Yes, you can. There is a rumor that is NOT true that if you put honey on a tree you can get it. That's a LIE! But, If you use the Pokeradar North of Jubilife city but the South part of it, you have a 5% chance of it. :0) Hi, I like pie!!!
If you mean Caterpie,Route 204 Jublife city side after getting your national dex put Pokemon Fire red in the GBA slot for your DS .
trade a butterfree from white two, (you can find them inside the pinwheel forest hidden grotto) then breed to get yourself a caterpie.
route 501
you cant unless you migrate from emerald or trade for it
Caterpie cannot learn cut
After the game, use the Poke Radar north of Jubilife City.
Upstairs in any Pokemon Center. You have to trade with a Kanto game.
in the grass maps.if you find the caterpie catch it and evlove it to its final stage butterfree
find a caterpie in eterna forest then level it to level 7 and it will evolve into larvitar