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Q: Where to find bary after beating the elite four?
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You find him in meteor cave after beating the elite four.

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I do not know where he is after beating elite four soul silver. I hope to find him soon.

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At 'N's Castle after beating the Elite Four.

Where do you find N after beating him at the elite four on Pokemon white?

When youre versing the champion

Where do you find a Bagon in Pokemon Sapphire?

after beating the elite four, it can be found in meteor falls

Why your Game Wont Open After Beating The Elite Four?

The game does open after beating the Elite Four. You simply select Continue, and you will be back at your house after you have beaten the Elite Four and Champion. :3

Where do you find all of the rare Pokemon in Pokemon leaf green?

Zapdos:Power Plant Articuno:Seafoam Islands Moltres:One island's volcano Mewtwo:Cerulean Cave after beating the elite four and fixing Celio's Machine Suicune:Roaming Kanto after beating elite four. You must have chosen charmander. Raiku:Roaming Kanto after beating elite four. You must have chosen Squirtle. Entei:Roaming Kanto after beating elite four. You must have chosen bulbasaur. Mew:Long past nintendo event/trade

How do you get Mewtwo with out beating the elite four?

with hax

What can you do after beating the elite four?

in what game of Pokemon

How do you find laius on Pokemon sapphire?

If your asking about latias you can find it on every route after beating the elite four its very hard to find.

In Pokemon Dimond and Pearl where do you find re per cloth?

Route 229(After beating the Elite Four)

Where you can find metang in Pokemon sapphire?

You will a have to evolve a beldum which is given by Steven at his house after beating the elite four.