You can find shiny magikarps at any time, anywhere you can catch normal magikarps. However, there is a VERY VERY VERY high probability that you will not catch one, like 1 in 10,000. So, you can fish and surf(a lot) but I just recommend using an action replay to get one. Hope I helped :)
There is no certain place to get a shiny magikarp. You basicaly just look in a place where you would find one and pray that its shiny. This almost never happens
A yellow Magikarp is a "shiny" Magikarp. The odds of finding any Shiny Pokemon is 1 in 8,192. Unless you use an Action Replay code, it will be VERY difficult to find one.
Get a shiny Magikarp. A Red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados.
It depends on luck. when catching a magikarp, you have a 1/8000 chance of shiny.
There is no way to get a Shiny Magikarp 100% of the time.
go to the lake near twinleaf their you will find the shiny evolved form of magikarp
you cant find a shiny magikarp that is the only Pokemon that cant be shiney i own every Pokemon that is shiny no normal legends and starters all them BUT NOT MAGIKARP
That is complicated. First, find a shiny Magikarp. You have to battle 8312 to find one, but it is worth it. Then evolve the Magikarp into Gyarados.
You have to find a shiny magikarp or a shiny gyarados. If you catch the magikarp, just evolve it. But catching a shiny Pokemon is EXTREMELY rare. Sorry to burst your bubble
There is no certain place to get a shiny magikarp. You basicaly just look in a place where you would find one and pray that its shiny. This almost never happens
There is no real easiest way for you to find a shiny Magikarp and there are no tips or tricks to finding him. When one appears is completely random.
A yellow Magikarp is a "shiny" Magikarp. The odds of finding any Shiny Pokemon is 1 in 8,192. Unless you use an Action Replay code, it will be VERY difficult to find one.
Get a shiny Magikarp. A Red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados.
Yes, you technically CAN get a shiny magikarp but its not automatic. You have the same chances of getting a shiny magikarp as you do a shiny Pokemon from any other kind of egg. The parents don't automatically make it a shiny magikarp.
same lvl as a normal magikarp 20 and the shiny magikarp evolves into a red gyrados
anywhere where you find a normal shiny. shinies are exacty the same but rarer.
You have to catch a shiny Magikarp and evolve it. It's not part of the storyline.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^You can't catch a Shiny Magikarp Because You can get a shiny magikarp by cheating The Real is Get a Super Rod And use it for 1-2 hours then when you saw the shiny gyarados use a master ball that's all