If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
A fake version of Pokemon gold
You find the kings rock in the very bottom of the Slowpoke Well (Near the town with the bug Pokemon gym)
It is not possible to get the Red Gyarados in Pokémon Yellow version. You can only get it in Gold, Silver and Crystal version.
Can u trade pokemon between gold version and leaf green
you can probably find it on Ebay
In Route 44.
pokemon heart gold
The tower
in golden rod city
on route 44 you will find him
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
well it is a remake of Pokemon gold version there is also a Pokemon pure silver version
Must evolve it or trade it.
You have a tiny chance to find one in Dragon's Lair.
no they both have different names and Pokemon gold you can eaisly find a caterpie and you can find one gold caterpie=gold metapod=pink butter free and silver you can find a silver weedle=silver kakuna = some colored beedrill.
A fake version of Pokemon gold