In Pokemon Gold, the squirt bottle item can be obtained from the flower shop in Goldenrod City. It is only available to the player after the player has defeated the Goldenrod Gym.
It is very simple to use the squirt bottle. First, find the sudowoodo, who is the one you want to squirt. Press A on the 'tree', and it will ask you if you want to use the squirt bottle, and that is about it.
in Goldenrod city in a little house that's surrounded by flowers there are two girls. One of them will give you the squirt bottle, but you need to beat the gym leader first and have your first 3 badges.
In Goldenrod City, after you beat the Gym leader, go to the house above and to the right of the Gym. A lady in there gives you the Squirtbottle.
defeat the third gym at goldenrod city then go look for a girl near the shaking tree at route 36 then talk to her then she will gone off then you go to a house beside the gym go in then talk to a girl in a red clothing then she will give you a squirt bottle
i dont no maybe u shoud search it on the INTERNET
It is very simple to use the squirt bottle. First, find the sudowoodo, who is the one you want to squirt. Press A on the 'tree', and it will ask you if you want to use the squirt bottle, and that is about it.
in Goldenrod city in a little house that's surrounded by flowers there are two girls. One of them will give you the squirt bottle, but you need to beat the gym leader first and have your first 3 badges.
In Goldenrod City, after you beat the Gym leader, go to the house above and to the right of the Gym. A lady in there gives you the Squirtbottle.
defeat the third gym at goldenrod city then go look for a girl near the shaking tree at route 36 then talk to her then she will gone off then you go to a house beside the gym go in then talk to a girl in a red clothing then she will give you a squirt bottle
i dont no maybe u shoud search it on the INTERNET
In Pokemon Silver, to get the squirt bottle, you must have defeated Whitney. Then, go to the Flower Shop in Goldenrod, which is somewhere in the top right section of the town near Whitney's gym. Talk to one of the ladies inside and she will give you the squirt bottle to spray the dancing tree with.
You can find it in Goldenrod City in Johto near the Gym.Ya its in Goldenrod City in Johto. There is a house next to the gym and its a flower shop but you must defeat the gym before getting the squirt bottle =D.
There's a house at the top right of Goldenrod City. If you have a PLAINBADGE, the woman inside will give you a SQUIRTBOTTLE.
Once you beat the gym leader, try talking to the lady again, and see if she gives you the squirt bottle. If she doesn't, go north to where the Sudowoodo is blocking the road. Talk to it, and then go back to the lady and she should then give you the squirt bottle.
after you beat the gym leader of goldenrod go to the top right house and talk to the lady and she will give you one.
Go to the flower shop and talk to the lady there. She gives you a squirt bottle. Use it on the tree and you get a chance to catch sudowoodo.
Getting the squirt bottle is quite easy. Go towards the wiggly tree from goldenroad city. There you will find a little girl in blue. She will tell you something but thats nt important. Go back to goldenroad city. On the upper part of the city turn to your right. There you will find a florist shop. The little girl will be there with her sister. Talk to her sister. She will give you the squirt bottle. (Remember you will need the city's gym badge or the sister won't give you anything).