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You can find Haunter in SoulSilver in Route 8 at night. Additionally you can catch a Gastly at night in the Sprout Tower or the Bell Tower and then you can train it until Level 25 which is when it'll evolve into a Haunter.

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Q: Where to find a haunter in pokemon SoulSilver?
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Do gastly's evolve in Pokemon soulsilver?

Yes into haunter and then trade to get a gengar

Do you need to get the national dex to evolve haunter in Pokemon SoulSilver version?

No, you don't need the National Dex to evolve Haunter in Pokemon SoulSilver. You just need to trade it with a friend then trade it back. Then, you have a Gengar!

How do you get Gengar in Pokemon SoulSilver?

To get a Gengar, you must trade a Haunter and it will then evolve into a Gengar.

Where do you find haunter in Pokemon black?

you can't find haunter in Black

How do you get haunter without catching gasly in firered?

look in the Pokemon tower in lavender for haunter. note, haunter is hard to find in the Pokemon tower

Where do you get a haunter in Pokemon SoulSilver?

There's a 30% chance you can catch a level 19 Haunter in the grass on Route 8 at night. You can also catch level 16 or 17 Haunter in the forest region of the Johto Safari Zone at night.

In Pokemon SoulSilver where can you catch a haunter?

you cant u need to catch a ghastly in the sprout tower and evolve it. it is in there at night only.

Where do you catch haunter in pokemon soulsilver?

just catch a gastly in the tower before the first gym and level him til he evolves

Where to find haunter in pokemon soul silver?

Haunter can be found on Route 8 or in the Safari Zone.

What level does haunter evolve in Pokemon soulsilver?

Sorry to disappoint you, but Haunter doesn't evolve by level. It can be evolved at any time after it has become a Haunter, but only if you trade it to someone (another one with a DS not in game). It will then evolve into Gengar and then you trade it back.

How do you find Haunter in Pokemon Diamond?

you get it over a trade.

Where can you find haunter in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can find wild haunters in Pokemon tower and lost cave.