When you choose your starter, it has a 1/8 chance of being female. Therefore, female species of every starter are quite rare, but not impossible!
Good/Answer 2:You can breed a Chimchar and hope its female, or do trading at GTS in Jubilife. :3Answer 1:you cant chimchars are only male
Pick Piplup or Chimchar and then trade for a piplup or chimchar
You get a Chimchar if you want it as your 1st Pokemon
start with chimchar start with chimchar
you can find chimchar and also ''torchic'' on groudons palace
As much as people wish they could, you cannot find Chimchar in Fire Red.
There is two ways to get a Chimchar: 1. Choose Chimchar at the start of the game. 2. Trade with someone who has a Chimchar.
you cant unless you trade with another person who has the game or you have a boy and girl empoleons
well you cant find a chimchar only if you trade or start your restart the whole game and you'll talk to the profeser and youll get a chimchar or a turtwig or this Pokemon (water) i forgot.... and you will get chimchar hope that works, Tina
No, chimchar can not be find in wild, if you want one put a ditto and if your starter is chimchar and now is infernape put them both in daycare to make an egg and it will hatch a newly chimchar
you dont get girl chimchar in heartgold or soulsilver you can trade from either platinum, diamond , or pearl and up my bum!
start with chimchar and evolve it