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Pick Piplup or Chimchar and then trade for a piplup or chimchar

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Q: How do you get a piplup and chimchar?
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What are the starters in Pokemon Diamond?

Turtwig (grass) Chimchar (fire) Piplup (water)

How do you get a piplup if you got chimchar as a starter Pokemon on Pokemon Platinum?

You can only get one of these starters in Pokemon platinum: piplup, chimchar, or turtwig. In my opinion it is best to get piplup for type advantage. Example: if you get chimchar your friend (on the game) will get piplup, and chimchar is fire so piplup will win because it is water. Same thing with turtwig, he will get chimchar and grass is weak against fire. But with piplup, piplups only weakness is electricity and niether chimchar, or turtwig is electricity so piplup is your best bet.There is a cheat to get all three of them but I don't know it so the only way you can get piplup if you already have chimchar is to trade with someone who has piplup.

What Pokemon is better chimchar piplup or turtwig?

Piplup is stronger, cuter and more loyal than turtwig and chimchar! For example, Piplup, the penguin Pokemon can use water type attacks on chimchar, and ice type moves on turtwig!

What are the starter Pokemon for platinum?

in order from best starter to worse Piplup Turtwig Chimchar

Which is the strongest starter Pokemon?

out of piplup, chimchar and tutwig it would be PIPLUP! Piplup ca use water moves on chimchar, and ice moves on turtwig. the second is turtwig and third is chimchar. (I chose piplup and now it's a strong lv 100 Empoleon now!) PS: "Give it a try!"

Can someone give me a chimchar?

no, you are stuck with piplup

Where to find a prinplup in Pokemon platnium?

You get prinplup when piplup evolves. To get piplup you either pick chimchar, turtwig, or piplup.

Which guy in platinum has a monferno?

if you choose turtwig as your starter than your opponent will have chimchar if you chose piplup then your opponent will have turtwig and if you chose chimchar than your opponent will have piplup.

Where is piplup in Pokemon platinum in the victory road?

when you start the game you can choose a piplup or chimchar or tutwig.

How do you get a Piplup in Pokemon platinum?

in the begining of the game If you want a piplup and a turtwig or chimchar I suggest trading.

Can you get piplup without trading and cheating?

yes if you have bet RED then you will get to choose piplup, chimchar or turtwig

What are the Sinnoh Pokemon starters?

Turtwig, Piplup, Chimchar