You can't, but you could get a magikarp by a guy on marvelous Bridge. You have to
pay if you want the magikarp.
khadels backyard
to get gyarados go past the pokemon mansion and go to the big patch of grass. use a super rod on the little pond and a gyarados might appear.
No, Gyarados and red Gyarados are basically the same having only one key difference; red Gyarados is a "shiny" Pokemon which changes its color and makes it rare to find in normal gameplay.
Gyarados is rare to catch, but you can try in the water of Sootopolis City. It's much easier to catch a Magikarp and evolve it into Gyarados at level 20. You can find Magikarp anywhere by fishing with the Old Rod.
Gyarados doesn't any further on Pokemon FireRed.
A red gyarados is a shiny gyarados (however, the Pokemon Company did not call them shiny untill the Unova Region). You can find it wherever you can find a normal gyarados, but your chances to find it are very slim.
Gyarados is a Pokemon species in the Nintendo franchise. Gyarados first appeared in the video games Pokemon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. The character is voted 11th Top Pokemon of all time.
khadels backyard
It is Actually A Shiny Gyarados so it would be in a place with lots of em
... you cant that was just in the show
you find a red gyrados at the rage lake
You'll find a shiny Gyarados in any area that you can fish for Gyarados. You have to be very lucky, though, because the chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon is 1/8192.
to get gyarados go past the pokemon mansion and go to the big patch of grass. use a super rod on the little pond and a gyarados might appear.
In Pokemon Silver you can find red gyarados in LAKE OF RAGE. You need to go up route 43 from Mahogany Citie = =
there is n no tm twister, but you can find the move on a gyarados
No, Gyarados and red Gyarados are basically the same having only one key difference; red Gyarados is a "shiny" Pokemon which changes its color and makes it rare to find in normal gameplay.
Shiny Pokemon were not available in Generation III.