You find by slathering honey on yellow trees but its really really rare to find you find it on certain trees
you cant munchlax is knew on the Pokemon diamond and pearl national dex.
Munchlax evolves into Snorlax via max happiness in Pok
your rival has a munchlax when u vs Jupiter and mars in spear pillar
Either Cherim or Munchlax
Bulbapedia states there are four trees throughout the game that have a 1% chance of yielding Munchlax and that the other trees in the game have no chance. These trees are chosen at random for each save file.
Tyson have a Munchlax on Pokemon Pearl
you dont, only on dimand. trad!!!
In the honey trees. P.S. REALLY RARE!
You cannot catch a Snorlax in this game, but you can catch a Munchlax and evolve it. If you slather honey on a honey tree, you could possibly find a munchlax. Come back later and hope that there is a Munchlax in the tree.
Your rival will have a Munchlax when you battle with him against Mars and Jupiter 2 on 2.
you find one in/near ethernia forest cause thats where i got mine.
You get it by slathering the trees with honey. There are trees almost every where in Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum.
No possible way. You can only obtain Munchlax in Diamond or Pearl
You can find Munchlax by putting Honey on Yellow trees. After you put Honey on the tree wait 12 hours then check the tree. If your lucky, you'll find Munchlax.
You can only get MUNCHLAX from a yellow Honey Tree or through trade.
Diamond and pearl and also Munchlax is in the mystery dungeon games
you cant munchlax is knew on the Pokemon diamond and pearl national dex.