Mew cannot be caught in the wild in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. You need the action replay code.
ya you can i have one on pearl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i did not get it by trading
If you somehow manage to get it on HeartGold, SoulSilver, Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, you can trade it to Black
Before I go on, I'd like to say that without a Cheating Device, you cannot get these Pokemon from HeartGold.Deoxys - Migrate from the GameBoy Pokemon Cartridges to Pokemon Pearl or Diamond by using the Pal Park. Afterwards, trade Deoxys to HeartGold or SoulSilver. (By the way, Deoxys can be found at Birth Island in the GameBoy Pokemon Cartridges.)Mew - It seems that Emerald is the only GameBoy Pokemon Cartridge that has Mew. Migrate Mew to Pokemon Pearl or Diamond, like Deoxys, and trade it to HeartGold or SoulSilver. (Mew can be found at Faraway Island in Emerald.)Celebi - Migrate from the GameBoy Pokemon Cartridges to Pokemon Pearl or Diamond by the Pal Park. Do the same with the others and trade Celebi to HeartGold or SoulSilver. (Nintendo Event is needed for this lovely Legendary.)
Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf are the 3 fairy-like Pokemon from Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl. Celebi is the forest fairy Mew is a fairy And Jirachi is the wishing fairy.
yes migrate it
You cant get a Mew without hack
you cannot get a mew in diamond and pearl so you'll have to get the code which i don't have.
you can not you can only get it in diamond and pearl
the only way to get mew on Pokemon diamond/pearl is cheat with an item such as an action replay or cheat on the gameboy advanced verions with an item such as gameshark then migerate.
Deposit 999 Pokemon into the ranch from pearl or diamond.
you can't get mewthree.MEWTHREE IS NOT A REAL POKEMON
If you have log cabin ranch then you can receive Mew from Hayley(only pearl/diamond)
you need action replay or any kind of hack to get mew
You can't find an actual Mew in Pokemon pearl You'll either have to migrate mew,or use action replay
go to then go to the diamond and pearl pokedex section and search mew. the moves pokemon learn in diamond and pearl are the same as yellow.
You go online, search "how to teach mimic in diamond, pearl and platinum on google, then keep looking till u find it.