If you somehow manage to get it on HeartGold, SoulSilver, Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, you can trade it to Black
No, you cannot get mew in Pokemon white or black
Chrono Mew is a seemingly robotic clone of Mew. It is said to be featured on the cover of Pokemon Chaos Black. Another cover of Chaos Black, just so you are not confused, looks as though the Pokemon on the front is Perfect Chaos from various Sonic the Hedgehog games.
Mew can be migrated from Pokemon Emerald if that game was participated in the Japanese Mew event to get the Old Sea Map or have 999 Pokemon in Pokemon Ranch and Hailey will give you Mew.
Mew is a Psychic-type legendary Pokemon.
there is a mew in Pokemon soulsilver but you need to catch all leadndery Pokemon including event Pokemon
No, you cannot get mew in Pokemon white or black
He isn't in Black.
You cant catch mew.
Unfortunately, you cannot catch Mew in Pokemon Black. Your only option is to trade with a person who has a Mew from another game. Sincerely, gurlgamer
Yes you can any old Pokemon :)
Mew cannot be caught in black or white. It must be transferred over from another version.
I'm sorry but you cant get a mew in Pokemon black or white you can only get them when distributions are out check every now and again and see
you cant catch mew you have to trade or poke transfer.
Mew is unobtainable in Pokemon Black or White. To get it, you must either trade or wait for an event giving away Mew (or hack or cheat!)
at the poke transfer