you can find him in Dranor village in the middle of the town he sells kites and tow horses.
Wiki Answers will not provide the information to break the rules of RuneScape.
If it has the "Destroy" option, then it should give you a warning message before you destor it. If it says "you can retrieve it from diango in draynor" Then yes you can get it back.
This Easter ring is a non-tradeable item and was only obtainable from the 2006 Easter event. If you had one but lost it just speak to diango in Draynor village for a replacement.
you can find sinebeam trees in Daemonheim on runescape
It isn't possible to find the exact creation date of your runescape account. Unless you remember.
Did you mean diango.? there is no dingo i dont think, but diango is in draynor village.
Right-click diango and click redeem code then enter it in!
Wiki Answers will not provide the information to break the rules of RuneScape.
Diango in draynor village market place. Just right click him.
Yes, talk to Diango in Draynor village to get back any lost holiday items.
Diango Hernández was born in 1970.
The redeem-code was used to obtain the Flagstaff of Festivities for those who purchased RuneFest tickets.
go to draynor and go to the market. you will find a toy stall there. ask Diango, the toy store owner, if you would like a kite. costs 100gp for a kite or the shield kites u have to buy in the exchange or smith them
If it has the "Destroy" option, then it should give you a warning message before you destor it. If it says "you can retrieve it from diango in draynor" Then yes you can get it back.
This Easter ring is a non-tradeable item and was only obtainable from the 2006 Easter event. If you had one but lost it just speak to diango in Draynor village for a replacement.
Diango Cissoko has written: 'La fonction publique en Afrique noire' -- subject(s): Civil service, Officials and employees
If the costume was from a random event, then you will have to go through the long process all over again to get a new pair. If it is from the holiday events (Christmas, Halloween etc.) then you can get replacements from Diango (Dranor Village, Market).