You can find the pokemon Arba in route 102, right before you reach Petalburg city, in the upper patch of grass.
abra evolves into kadabra at level 16 on pokemon emerald best way give abra the exp share and use ur strongest pokemon and go 2 the victory road or pokemon legue
the only way to catch it to evolve Abra on level 16 and you have to trade it to get alakazam
I tried paralyzing it but the Abra teleports before i use stun spore. I can't catch it.
Abra always evolves at Lvl 16. Kadabra has to be traded in order to evolve into Alakazam
There is a 5% chance a Wild Abra will be holding a Twistedspoon.The first Abra I ever caught had a Twistedspoon attached to him. When held by a Pokemon,the Twistedspoon raises the power of its Psychic Type Moves.
abra evolves into kadabra at level 16 on pokemon emerald best way give abra the exp share and use ur strongest pokemon and go 2 the victory road or pokemon legue
the only way to catch it to evolve Abra on level 16 and you have to trade it to get alakazam
I tried paralyzing it but the Abra teleports before i use stun spore. I can't catch it.
Abra evolves into Kadabra at Lv. 16.
Yes simply train it to level 16.
with an ultra ball! reduce its hp to about 11!
Abra always evolves at Lvl 16. Kadabra has to be traded in order to evolve into Alakazam
Psychic pokemon tend to learn the move Teleport. Abra's default move is always Teleport and you can capture one in Granite Cave which is by Dewford City.
There is a 5% chance a Wild Abra will be holding a Twistedspoon.The first Abra I ever caught had a Twistedspoon attached to him. When held by a Pokemon,the Twistedspoon raises the power of its Psychic Type Moves.
Abra doesn't learn any other moves, but when it evolves into Kadabra at level 16 it learns Confusion.
maybe a Abra and that
Abra evolves at level 16.