Flygon and its pre-evolutions are not available in the wild in Platinum.
well you cant get flygon immediately you need to catch first a vibrava and evolve him to flygon at level 45. Hope i helped!!
how do you catch a mewtwo on Pokemon platinum
you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx
you can't catch a zorua in Pokemon platinum unless you hack.
In Pokémon Diamond you can find wild Trapinch in order to catch them in Route 228 and then you can raise it to Level 35 in order to evolve it to Vibrava and then you can evolve Vibrava into Flygon once it evolves at Level 45 additionally you can find wild Vibrava for capture in Route 228 and then you can evolve it into Flygon at Level 45.
You cannot catch a flygon. You will need to go to route 111 in the desert and catch a trapinch and train it to level 45, and then it will evolve into a flygon.
first catch trapinch, then evolve it to vibrava, then evolve it again into flygon
check out http :// should pretty much cover anything ya need to know
Flygon is not available in the wild. You can however catch a Trapinch in Route 111 and when it gets to level 45 is evolves into Flygon.
There is no wild Flygon in Pokemon Emerald. The only way to get one is to evolve your Trapinch into a Vibaba and evolve that into a Flygon. Trapinch is in the desert in of Pokemon emerald.
You actually can't catch a plain old Flygon. First, you'll have to catch a Trapinch, in Emerald they're in the desert area and in White they are in White forest. You'll then have to level it up until it evolves to Vibrava then Flygon at level 45?
You have to have a trapinch. Which evolves into vibrava, then flygon.
well you cant get flygon immediately you need to catch first a vibrava and evolve him to flygon at level 45. Hope i helped!!
You cannot catch it in the wild. You need to transfer it or trade for it.
Vibrava evolves into a Flygon at level 45.
Yes. It can learn HM04 Strength. If you have Diamond and Pearl, you can find Trapinch on Route 228. If you have Platinum, you will have to trade. Then, evolve Trapinch into Flygon.