You can't catch Gastly in Sapphire. The only way to get one is to trade one from FireRed or LeafGreen.
yes its in mt pyre
you find gastly in the Burned Tower and the Sprout Tower
You can't catch one in Pokemon Emerald.
How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire
u cant but gastly knows it and golbat learn it after a while aswell u catch gastly in the dim cave on the pokewalker
Ghastly cannot be caught in ruby, sapphire or emerald. However it can be caught in fire red/ leaf green and traded over.
yes its in mt pyre
you find gastly in the Burned Tower and the Sprout Tower
you can catch rotom or gastly
You can't catch one in Pokemon Emerald.
Can't catch zapdos in sapphire
How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire
i dont think you can catch it in sapphire
You can't catch groudon in sapphire only in ruby. To get him in sapphire you have to trade him from ruby to sapphire.
u cant but gastly knows it and golbat learn it after a while aswell u catch gastly in the dim cave on the pokewalker
You can't catch Bellsprout in Sapphire. You have to trade it from LeafGreen.
To catch a shiny Gastly, there are three things you can try. First off, you can try catching a shiny Gastly in the wild. However, there is a 1 in 8192 chance of encountering a shiny Gastly and may take you hours to find one. Second, you can try breeding a shiny Gastly. There is a greater chance to find a shiny Gastly by breeding, but it still takes a few hours depending on how well you breed. Last, you can use your PokeRadar to chain Gastly. Depending on your luck and how well you chain, you can find a shiny Gastly within minutes or more. If your chain of Gastly reach up to 40 or more, your chance of finding a shiny patch is 1 in 200. A shiny patch will contain a shiny Gastly. You may even find several shiny Gastly from chaining. If you're really lucky, you can get a shiny Gastly from your first or second or even tenth chain.