You can't catch Gastly in Sapphire. The only way to get one is to trade one from FireRed or LeafGreen.
Go to lavendar town and then enter Pokemon tower in there you can find a gastly.
Gastly is found in Bellsprout Tower.
No, Gastly cannot learn to fly.
Gastly evolves at level 25.
You can get Gastly only by trading from Fire Red/Leaf Green it's in Lavender tower.
You can't catch Gastly in Sapphire. The only way to get one is to trade one from FireRed or LeafGreen.
Gastly is unobtainable in Pokemon Ruby. You need to trade one from Pokemon Firered or Leafgreen.
Go to lavendar town and then enter Pokemon tower in there you can find a gastly.
Gastly is found in Bellsprout Tower.
No, Gastly cannot learn to fly.
Gastly and Misdreavus on pearl. Gastly and Murkrow on Diamond.
Yes you can get gastly I dont no about duskull
Gastly evolves to Haunter at level 25.
Gastly evolves at Level 25.
Gastly evolves at level 25.
Gastly evolves at level 20 into Haunter