

Best Answer

Depends were you want it

1.Computer Type Download Super Mario 64

2. GameStop

3.Video game rent

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Q: Where to buy Super Mario 64?
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Where can you buy super Mario 64 ds?

Nowhere. If its Mario 64 you can only play it on a Nintendo64.

Where can you get Super Mario sunshine 64?

no there no super mario sunshine 64

When will the Super Mario Sunshine plus Super Mario 64 Bundle for the Nintendo Wii be released?

There is no such bundle available for the Wii. However, you can buy a copy of Super Mario Sunshine, along with getting Super Mario 64 from the Wii Shop Channel, and play them on a Wii.

Is super Mario 64 ds wii real?

No, there is no Super Mario 64 DS for the Wii. Super Mario Bros. 64 DS, as the name implies, is a remake of Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo DS.

How do you get bunnies in new Super Mario Brothers?

you cant.only in super Mario 64&super Mario 64 ds.

Super Mario Nintendo 64?

It's called Super Mario 64.

Is it posibal to get walugi in supper Mario 64?

No,it is impossible to get Waluigi in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS.

How do you get waligi in Super Mario 64?

Unless hacked into game, Waluigi cannot be played in Super Mario 64, or Super Mario 64 DS

Where can you legaly buy and download super mario 64?

You can get the DS version for about $30.

How do you put super Mario 64 on your wii?

Buy it from the Wii Shop Channel.

How do you be waluigi in super Mario 64?

You can’t be Waluigi in super Mario 64! Because Waluigi was not exist in 1996

How do you play as luigi in Super Mario 64?

You can’t play as luigi in Super Mario 64! Because he is not in the game