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I'm pretty sure you can't buy it but you can find it by digging in the underground

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Q: Where to buy Max Revives in Pokemon Pearl?
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How do you easily beat the champion in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u buy alot of revives or max revives and use them. u buy alot of revives or max revives and use them.

Where do you buy revives in Pokemon Pearl or diamond?

Any pokemart

Where do you buy max revives in Pokemon ruby?

Sorry but you cannot buy max revives only regular revives however there are some max revives hidden around hoenn. HOWEVER, you can go to Lavaridge Town and in the house next to the gym with a sign in front of it, you can buy revival herb for 2800. It works just like max revive, hope this helps :)

Where can you revive Pokémon in Pokémon Red?

in any Pokemon center. You could also use revives, there are regular and max revives. Regular heals up to half hp and max heals full. You can buy regular revives at at select pokemarts but you cannot buy max revives, they can only be found in the wild.

Can you buy max revives in emerald?

no but if you find enough there should be five to ten Max Revives.

Where do you buy max revives?

You cannot buy max revives at any shop. You just have to go look for them in poke balls.

When you get to the Pokemon league in Pokemon black what do I buy?

You don't need to buy anything unless you are trying to keep all pokemon alive. In that case you might want some max revives and hyper potions.

Help me beat the elite four?

what do you need Pokemon or adviced!! Pokemon i can help you with that and advice is buy alot of max potions and full restore buy 30 max potion and 20 full restore and like 15 revives and 15 full heals

How far in soulsilver do you have to be to buy max revives?

i am not sure because i have been playing Pokemon black but i am pretty sure u cant but u can buy revile herbs which does the same exact thing

Where to buy Max Revives in Pokemon Emerald?

You have to have enough gym badges first to buy certain items. I know that they can be bought at Pacifilodge Town and Sootopolis City but I'm not sure about other places.

What are the elite four's weakness in Pokemon black?

They can oly be defeated by their pokemons weakness so if you buy a few max potions and revives then you and have 1 of each really just not normal type

Can you buy max revive in Pokemon soul silver?

No they are only found in the wild. But you can by regular revives in every Pokemart ! you can also make one of you Pokemon hold the item and have them make a egg you will have a 50% chance of getting the item on you newly hatched Pokemon!