They can oly be defeated by their pokemons weakness so if you buy a few max potions and revives then you and have 1 of each really just not normal type
They appear randomly like legendary pokemon's, if u have completed all gyms and elite fours.
you need beat the elite fours and you go to kanto, pokemon land and cut the small tree in viridian city , talk at fatty boy
Will- Psychic Koga- Poison/Bug Bruno- Fighting (except for Onix, Rock/Ground) Karen- Dark Lance- Dragon/Flying
You must defeat all gyms and elite fours. If you have already done so, check the pokedex under the pokemon tab for specific map locations!
When You Fight Or Faint The Red Gyrados By Using Surf. He Will Come When You Reach Land To Tell You that Something Happened With them. He Is Also A Champion In The Elite 4. He Uses Dragon Type. If u want to beat Lance fast in the elite four all the elite fours poke mon are in the 40 lvl range. WHEN YOU REACH LANCE REMEBER TO HAVE YOUR STRONGEST POKEMON HAVE AN ICE - TYPE ATTACK ICE IS SUPER EFFECTIVE AGIANST DRAGON -TYPES
The Elite Fours Pokemon are all in their 50s. The Champion at the end of the Elite Four has 60s though.
In Pokemon League
fighting bug ghost dark rock steel electric dragon ice fire and ground
they dont have any.
there are 4 elite fours
It depends on your starter.
there the same
errr 4, u gtta fight the cythina the champion straight after the elite 4
You Have To Beat All Of The Gyms, Elite Fours And the Champions. But Its Complicated To Find Legendaries.
No, you can't. Just walk in! They're always ready to battle!
They appear randomly like legendary pokemon's, if u have completed all gyms and elite fours.