If u mean Articuno its in seafoam islands on route 20. NOTE: You Need Surf, and you need Strength, and you should Surf from Fuchsia City. Complete the puzzles and Articuno awaits. Its at Lv.50 so be prepared and bring Ultra Balls. LOTS of 'em.
The best Starter is Squirtle just in your game have a Fire Or ice type.
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
Any Ice type move, Any Dragon Type move.
The best ice Pokemon in firered and leafgreen is sneasel coz it have an very high attack stat and speed it can learn dark and ice attack such as ice beam blizard for ice beat up shadow ball and more..............
On Pokemon Pearl's title screen, if the Pokemon LeafGreen game is in the GBA slot, click on "Transfer From LeafGreen" and you can choose six Pokemon from LeafGreen to transfer to Pearl, but be careful-you can't trade them back.
You Can't
In the Seafoam Islands
Swinub is not in Pokemon LeafGreen.:new person here: you can get swinub at ice cave on four ilsand
in a cave filled with ice
route 111
"In leaf green what island has the ice cave?"In leafgreen, the ice cave is on Seafoam Islands.There is also an ice cave on four island.It's on four island
Smoochum (sometimes misspelled as Smoochim) is an ice/psychic type of Pokemon. To get one in LeafGreen, you need to breed a Jynx.
The best Starter is Squirtle just in your game have a Fire Or ice type.
you go to island 4 and ice berg cave it is in there.
Fire, Water, Grass, Ice, Ghosts, Dark and Pyshic
ice and water are fairly effective against rock